Parutions (1998-2016) |

Parutions 2013

Debt and slavery in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Worlds

Debt and slavery in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Worlds

Alessandro Stanziani, Gwyn Campbell (ed.)
Londres, Pickering and Chatto Publishers, 2013,  208 p.
Prix : 60£ / 90$
Slavery casts a long shadow over human history. Though, historically, the chief mechanism of slavery was seen as violent abduction, this view is being adjusted to recognize the importance of financial indebtedness in creating and sustaining human bondage. Filling a significant gap in the historiography, the essays in this volume show that debt slavery has played a crucial role in the economic history of numerous societies which continues even today.

ISBN : 978-1848933743
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, «Debt and slavery in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Worlds», CRH [En ligne], Parutions 2013, Le CRH, Parutions (1998-2016), Histoire du CRH, Événements scientifiques (2013-2016),mis à jour le : 23/05/2013
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54, boulevard Raspail
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Raphaël Morera
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